Tuesday 3 June 2014

Gurupurnima Moscow 17th July 2011

Gurupurnima Moscow 17th July 2011
  From Haidakhandi Samaj journal

Sri Maha Munirajji talks to the Russian devotees:

“Today, for the work we are about to begin it is most important to be
united, to become one. For this reason I am asking all of you to put your
egos to rest. In this world no one is important. If anyone thinks he is
more important or bigger than another, this person is thinking wrongly, it
is a mistake. God (Bhagwan) has given the same attributes to everyone,
take, for example, the 10 senses he has given to everybody. When we are
born we have not brought any religion with us, at that moment we are all
the same, neutral. At the very beginning on earth nature created one
cell, and from that one cell everything has come to be. From the one we
have become many. Babaji has told us the main religion (or Dharma) is

For what we are now going to achieve it is important that we see each
other as brothers and sisters and work together. For this work each one
of you must feel it is my work, I must do this work. We must forget our
differences and come together for this work. Now please begin, start the
discussions, give your ideas. If we are divided by our own small things
then how will we create something big ? Munirajji is asking you; Are you
ready to do this work together or not? This work will be done only by
you. I can only advise you but the work must be done by you. This is my
advice to help all of you - get started. Please give your own suggestions
on how to move ahead. Who would like to start ?

Pujari: I can make a start from experience in Holland: there we first
organized into a group as a charitable trust, as a Samaj or church in
Holland. From the trust we had a meeting of devotees and set up a
board of 7 to 9 people who were responsible for the Trust. From that we
opened a bank account and all members and non members were assured
this was Babaji‟s account, not private but part of this Trust.

Then we appointed 3 to 4 people to look for the right property. With
the whole group we made a list of requirements that we thought we
needed for this property. Then in our monthly meetings we issued
reports of what we had found. When we felt we had the right property
that satisfied the board and the people, then we sent a letter to Sri
Munirajji. Munirajji sent a telex from Haldwani: “Buy the property
immediately !”

Munirajji: A trust or organization is the first thing to do, a charitable trust
or society according to laws of your country. Whatever name you
choose you can register in that name. When you do good work then
money will come, everybody will take part in donating to it and the Trust
or society should be in a democratic form. First the organization, what
name, what type, and then form a committee.

It is only thru Babaji‟s inspiration and His energy that I was able to come
here as I was really not in good enough condition to come. Now we can
make decisions.......Whatever will happen will happen because of the
blessings of Sri Babaji, I am only in service to Sri Babaji.

Grigory: ...I know how the Russian mind works: the more democracy we
have, the less work and fewer results are achieved. Russian people,
because of our mentality, need a Tsar, someone who tells us what to do
and only in this case will people actually do something. We need a strong

Several people proposed Pujari to be the head of the Russian Samaj as he
is neutral, has experience, a Russian wife, knows the problems, the lands
being offered and most of all because he is close to Munirajji and outside
of Russian internal politics.

Munirajji: This is what I am saying, stand up and say who you want for
your leader......... Yes, if you desire Pujari, but if anyone has opposition
please stand up and speak...........Pujari please speak.

Pujari; By Munirajji‟s grace I have been able to travel a lot to Russia and if it
shows some fruits than I can serve. It is only by His Grace, if he tells me
to do this job…next to all my work in Holland. I am also busy in Holland,
but perhaps I can assist in the beginning to create an organization and find
land and deal with the dynamics of the differences.

Munirajji: This is all Babaji blessings; it is not for me to say. I am asking if
everyone is ready to have Pujari to be the leader or the chairman of the
Russian Samaj ? This is my opinion: if Babaji is not in the heart of the
person that is leading and organizing, then the egos in these people will
build and then destroy the ashram that they build. He must inspire !
Phuro ……!

Pujari: is there a Russian person willing to stand up?

Munirajji: If no one else wants to come forward and you all agree then you
can declare Pujari as your chairman.

Atma Ram: We have a lot of experience inviting leaders from outside the
country, why not we invite Pujari to be our leader.

Munirajji: Okay then it is Pujari ! (Loud clapping again !).
A Russian gentleman stands up: “Grisha asked us to stand up and say
what we each can do, well, when you find the land, and you will eventually,
I can manage all the construction !” (Loud clapping !!!)

Paramahansa asks: “What about our interests and how do we fit in”.
Munirajji says that if your group from Prem wants to be within the Samaj
then you can be under the Samaj, and they (the organisation) will take the
responsibility and care for you. “This is for the whole country, for the
whole world, think of yourselves as a universal organization. Shall it be
called the „Haidakhandi Samaj Russia‟ or what do you desire ?”

Ashutosh: Please keep this name Haidakhan Samaj Russia

Pujari: I want to meet here tomorrow after the Havan to choose the
Munirajji: “Choose now and have those people sit at the Havan.”

Haidakhan Samaj Russia Ki Jai !

Thank you to Shri Alok Banerjee for the beautiful translation of Munirajji‟s words during Gurupurnima.

“Keep your egos cool”

Later during Gurupurnima Sri Munirajji Spoke about Ashrams:

“This is not a new concept, making ashrams has been going on for
hundreds and thousands of years. In all ages (yugas) there have been
ashram communities. To give an example: If you want to earn a degree
you begin with primary school and pass all the way through to university,
it is only at university that you can earn a degree. When you study by
yourself, you may not earn a degree.

It is good to be on the spiritual path, to take teachings, do practice, Jappa
and meditation and study scriptures and holy books. You can do all this at
home also but it is only in an ashram where you can be recognized for the
achievement through service of the public by the public. Something more
happens in an ashram. Do you understand something of what I am saying?

Now about the differences between peoples: when we are born we do
not think and feel the same, we each have different thoughts, different
beliefs, understandings and points of view. For that reason it is necessary
that we follow the ashram way of life: because when we live in an ashram
the main focus is on the Divine, but also you meet and have to work, eat,
love and pray together.

It is not possible that all people would have the same thoughts and ideas.
In government also there is an opposition leader. When you are doing
something and have opposition, it is not bad as you can learn and this
makes you better. Good and Bad go hand in hand - they travel together.
This kind of opposition is not new; it has been present in all ages.

The most important thing is to keep your egos cool. When the ego is
hot the differences increase - only for this ego reason. In the past most
wars have been fought over ego. In this way atomic wars will also come;
because of ego......... At the very moment whenever you have anger or a
judgment on another, look first at yourself and see how many mistakes
you yourself have made. Just to see another‟s mistakes or weaknesses is
the simplest thing and yet it‟s so difficult to look at your own mistakes. It
is so easy to talk and so difficult to actually do something. You might have
hundreds of thoughts in your mind, but it will not help you. You have to
do something, achieve something ! It is very easy to criticise anybody
(doing something good) but if you try yourself then you will realize how
difficult it is to actually achieve something.

 Truth, Simplicity. Love
Om nama Shivay